

The majority of aches in adults are not due to injuries, but to posture problems. A good posture has many lifelong benefits. It keeps bones and joints aligned, allows for adequate use of the muscles, decreases wear of the joints, protects ligaments, keeps the spine healthy, prevents fatigue and pain, promotes blood circulation, helps nerve signals, improves appearance and overall wellbeing.

Poor posture can be detrimental for general health. On the long run, it can result in anatomical changes in the spine and in many other complications. The statistics are alarming; some studies report that postural problems are present in up to 97% of adults.

The ideal posture is the position that results in the least possible strain in the muscles and ligaments while standing, sitting, lying down, moving or bearing weight.



The jaws and the teeth are an integral part of the skeletal system. The bones need to be at the right place for proper functioning of the body, just as the teeth need to be in the right position for a balanced bite.

Many studies show an association between bite problems and bodily posture and balance in adults, adolescents and children. Interestingly, the relation between bite problems and posture has been linked to the performance of athletes.

Chewing muscles, together with other head and neck muscles, are responsible for the posture and balance of the head. Teeth that do not fit properly together cause the muscles to work harder to compensate for the imbalances, leading to tension. Grinding and clenching of teeth can add further stress to chewing muscles. The tension can result in changes in the head posture, which compresses the neck area. Changes in the cervical spine leads to change in rest of the spine, resulting in posture problems.

A bad bite also results in stress in the skull sutures (they connect the skull bones) and in the membranes that cover the brain and the spine, possibly resulting in pain in the head, neck or back.

Hence, the jaws plays a crucial role in the biological system that sustains the head, having a direct role in supporting the skull. The nerves that run through the jaw muscles also play a role, since they are connected to nerve centres in the brain that control posture and balance.

Some types of bad bite directly influence the position of the head. Wear of back teeth for instance can lead to changes in the position of the lower jaw, causing the skull to change inclination and affect the spine, with postural decay being the ultimate consequence.



Since many factors can be involved, a full examination of teeth, jaws and face needs to take place in order for the dentist to be able to identify what is causing the bite problems.

Recent studies highlight the benefits of orthodontic treatment to correct bite issues and improve the position of the jaws in posture control. In athletes, a more functional bite can not only improve balance and posture, but also help prevent injuries that usually happen as a consequence of unstable posture.



The orthodontist can provide different treatment options with removable or fixed devices to correct bad bite and consequently improve posture and general wellbeing, according to each patient’s needs. Adults generally prefer removable devices such as clear aligners, since they are more convenient.

There is no doubt that posture is related to the bite. Your orthodontist can help you improve your posture and overall balance and wellbeing. Get an appointment today.